James Lee

David Souza

Cloud Manager @ Oracle

About Me

Cloud Manager & Senior Principal Consultant working at Oracle with over 14 years of experience in IT market providing high quality solutions for large companies in North & Latin America.

With 20+ years of IT technical and business background delivering (developing, integrating, implementing and configuring) B/OSS products like OFSC (formerly known as ETAdirect), Sigma’s SMP, Arris Workassure™ and in-house solutions like CRM, Billing (and others) for Telecommunication companies;

6+ years delivering (developing, integrating, implementing and configuring) in-house solutions for banks and government.

Latest Projects

Other Projects

Volunteer Career Coach @ Joule Project

Helped "Joulers" to improve the content of their resumé in order to cause a better impact to anyone who receive their resumés by highlighting each one's strengths.

Find out more

Work Experience

Cloud Manager, Senior Principal Consultant - Oracle (2012 - Present)

Manage, support and implement Workforce Management SaaS/cloud solutions for the largest TELCO & Utilities players in USA & Latin America, integrating with customer’s legacy systems

Technical Account Manager - Sigma Systems Canada Inc. (2012 - 2012)

Managed, supported and delivered Sigma’s OSS provisioning solution, also deployed and supported Arris Workassure™ field service solution for the largest cable company of Brazil and work on partnership operation in Caribbean and Latin America region.

Program & Project Manager - HP (2011 - 2012)

Managed B/OSS TELCO projects and support teams for Claro TV (an America Móvil company) ensuring delivery on time and budget.

Business Analyst - NET (2009 - 2011)

Managed business and system requirements in order to led NET (the largest cable company in Latin America) to a new generation of cable services by bringing into the company latest market solutions.

Systems Analyst - Indra Company (2008 - 2009)

Developed and led production support tax collection solutions for government of Paraíba State in Brazil.

Founder - Agência VIP (2006 - 2008)

Worked on company startup to provide systems development & support, digital media publishing, SEO and networking services.

Systems Analyst - Indra Company (2002 - 2006)

Developed financial systems and worked on product support for the largest bank in Brazil to integrate with Brazilian Central Bank (Brazilian FED) and other financial institutions.

My GitHub